Interpretation of a dream about hearing a woman ‘s voice in a dream
Interpretation of a dream about hearing a woman’s voice in a dream
- Interpretation of a dream: Hearing a woman’s voice in a dream. Hearing the voice of someone you love may mean goodness and happiness
- In the event that a married woman sees hearing the voice of someone she loves happily in a dream, it may be a sign of pregnancy, and God is higher and more knowledgeable
- When seeing a married woman, hearing the voice of someone crying may lead to pain, and God knows all
Interpretation of a dream about hearing a voice speaking to me in a dream
- Interpretation of a dream about hearing a voice speaking to me in a dream. Hearing the voice of someone you love may indicate goodness
- In the event that a married man sees hearing the voice of someone he loves in a dream, this may indicate the righteousness of the dreamer
- When seeing a single girl, hearing the voice of someone I know happily, may lead to living happily, and God knows the unseen
- In the event that a married man sees hearing the voice of a person with whom he is in a quarrel in a dream, it may be a sign of reconciliation, and God knows all
Interpretation of a dream that I hear the call to prayer in a dream
- The interpretation of a dream that I hear the call to prayer in a dream may be a sign of a new beginning, and God knows the unseen
- In the event that a married woman sees hearing the call to prayer in a dream, it may be a sign of happy occasions, and God knows all
- Seeing a single girl, hearing the call to prayer, may also express good and livelihood, and God knows the unseen
- In the event that a divorced woman sees hearing the call to prayer from afar, this may be evidence of a warning, and God is higher and more knowledgeable
Interpretation of a dream that I hear songs in a dream
- Interpretation of a dream that I hear songs in a dream may be a reference to bad things
- In the event that a married man sees listening to songs in a dream, this may be evidence of loneliness, and God knows the unseen
- In the event that a single young man sees listening to songs in a dream, this may lead to unkind actions, and God knows the unseen
Interpretation of a dream that I hear Surat Al-Baqara in a dream
- Interpretation of a dream that I hear Surat Al-Baqara in a dream may be a sign of goodness
- In the event that a single young man sees hearing Surat Al-Baqara in a dream, it may be a sign of vagina, and God is higher and more knowledgeable
- When seeing a single girl, hearing Surat Al-Baqarah may lead to getting rid of anxiety, and God knows the unseen
- In the event that a married woman sees hearing Surat Al-Baqarah at home in a dream, it may be a reference to memorization, and God knows best
Interpretation of a dream that I hear my father’s voice in a dream
- Interpretation of a dream that I hear the voice of my father in a dream. Hearing the voice of the dead may mean a long life, and God knows the unseen
- If the dreamer sees hearing the voice of the dead without seeing it, it may express goodness, and God is higher and more knowledgeable
- In the event that a married man sees the dead calling him in a dream, it may be a sign of alerting him to do good, and God knows best
- It may also indicate the need of the deceased to pray and ask for forgiveness, and God is higher and more knowledgeable
Interpretation of a dream about hearing the voice of the dead in a dream
- Interpretation of a dream about hearing the voice of the dead in a dream may be a sign of goodness
- In the event that a married man sees hearing the voice of the dead in a dream, it may be a sign of relief, and God is higher and more knowledgeable
- If a married woman sees hearing the voice of the dead without seeing it in a dream, it may be a sign of achieving goals, and God is higher and more knowledgeable
Interpretation of a dream about hearing someone’s voice without seeing him in a dream
- Interpretation of a dream about hearing a person’s voice without seeing him in a dream. Hearing a person crying without seeing him may mean bad things
- In the event that a married man sees hearing someone crying without seeing him in a dream, it may be a sign of harm, and God knows all
- If the dreamer sees hearing the voice of God in a dream, it may be a sign of goodness, and God has knowledge
- Where he may express the vagina and God knows the unseen